Upcoming Shows
Friday April 29th
Postponed -Ghostbusters
This movie has been postponed. Stay tuned for an upcoming date this fall.
Friday May 6th
Starwars Episode IV: A New Hope
This movie has been postponed due to weather. Stay tuned for an upcoming date this fall.
Friday May 13th
Postponed - Princess Bride
This movie has been postponed. Stay tuned for an upcoming date this fall.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I Purchase my Ticket?
Tickets can be purchased from www.WheelsAndReelsDYT.com. Tickets will close once the movie starts. The ticket must be purchased online.
How much are tickets?
Tickets are $30 per car for general admission or $40 for premium viewing.
Can I bring food or drink?
No outside food or drinks are permitted. We ask that you please purchase food and drink from our gracious hosts at Top Market.
What happens if there is bad weather?
Ticketed guests will be informed via email if there is any change. Light rain we will continue with the events. Rain checks/Rain Date will be given if the event is cancelled.
How many people are allowed in a car?
Please limit the number of people to the legal number of people allowed to ride in the car.
How does Parking work?
Upon arriving you will be greeted and directed to a parking space by one of our parking coordinators. Larger vehicles may be asked to park in the back of the parking lot due to viewing angles.
Can I sit outside of my car?
Yes. You are welcome to sit in front of your car. We ask that you do not sit on top of your car.
Can I be parked near my friends?
Parking is done on a first come first served basis. If you want to be parked near your friends please arrive at the same time as them.
How can I hear the Movie? – bring radio
The movie can be heard by using your cars radio and tuning to 105.3FM. You are also welcome to bring a portable radio if you wish to sit outside of your car
Can I bring my Pet?
Yes. Pets must be kept in the car or on leash and cleaned up after.
Interested in Sponsoring?
Please contact Liftoff Entertainment at info@liftoffentertainment.com